DIY Coffee Maker Using My Free Samples

I got some coffee samples in the mail the other day and really really wanted to use them.

    Problem is, I don't own a coffee pot or one of these systems, because if I did, I would drink way too much coffee :-P Well this morning...I really needed some sort of pick me up. I saw those coffee mind went to thinking. How could I brew this coffee without a coffee maker?? After some research on the internet, I found out how people made coffee in the older days. They call it "Mountain coffee" where they boil the water & coffee grounds all together, then strain them once it's done boiling. This was more then I cared to do so I kept searching. I decided to find a "substitute" for a coffee filter because I realized I could just finagle some cool set up and brew it that way. I found that paper towels, work really well!
So here is my set up:
    I wanted to use a jar to pour into, but I didn't have a big enough one so my glass bowl had to do. I put a paper towel across the bowl and held it down with a rubber band pulled around the bowl. Then I dumped in my coffee grounds into the center of the paper towel and found that inside the K-cup, it had a built in filter! So I pulled that out and put all the coffee grounds back into that, and placed it in the middle of the paper towel, just for added straining. It would work just as well without this filter though lol. I really didn't need to do that but I did just for experimentation.

I boiled 2 Cups of water...Then slowly poured the water in the center of the paper towel/filter/coffee ground area. The rubber band held all this in place, thankfully!

After all the water drained out, my coffee was finished. I let it cool for a few, then undid the paper towel-slowly or else it will fall into the coffee-and I strained the excess coffee water into the bowl. It came out fabulous and a beautiful rich color-just like any ol' coffee :)

I took a coffee cup, added in sugar and milk and poured my coffee into it! 
Mixed it all up and it's all finished. Came out DELICIOUS and so tasty.

Such an easy way to make coffee if you don't have a coffee maker!!


  1. Hi, I'm Eve and I just created a blog post about coffee makers but I want also to offer to my readers your knowledge if they don't have a coffe maker. So I would like to link to this article from . Please let me know yoour thoughts. Thx

    1. Go for it, as long as you give me credit where it's needed, and link back to my post. Thanks.


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