Keeping Pants Fresh With MyHikes

I'm sure by now you've had to of heard of the MyHikes pant cuff fasteners right? 
If you haven't, now is the time to learn! These pant cuff fasteners are a lifesaver for a lot of moms out there. If you have a child who's just outgrowing their pants so they're just at the "too short" line, these fasteners turn them into cute Capri's in just seconds!! Or if the pants are way too long but you love that there's growing room, the MyHikes can shorten them up until the child grows into them! Making longer lasting pants so they're not getting all torn up under their shoes.

These fasteners are adorable and come in seven different designs, for boys and girls. Previously, I reviewed the cutie dump truck fasteners for my son. I just love them.

Here is a great video done by the maker of MyHikes, Dani Schlesinger.

Did that adorable clip make you want to purchase MyHikes?!

They would make a great gift item, for your kids or other kids you may know,
you could even purchase them for yourself to wear!! 
A Cute accessory for a day at the beach with your rolled up pant Capri's. :)

 Use the Coupon Code: MyHikes40off to get 40% off!!

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