Love You More - Book Review

   Adoption has always been in my heart since I was young, so I am glad I chose this book,."Love You More" Written by Jennifer Grant. It is a book about a mom's journey through adopting her daughter from Guatemala. A woman who knew for years, that she would like to adopt in her future, and then having three kids of her own, she still felt a longing emotion to complete her family with one more child, through adoption. Grant and her husband researched several different countries on where they would decide to adopt from, keeping a list of all the possibilities. As time went on, they narrowed down the list-just by different happenings such as a certain country closed or requirements didn't fit them. I loved how they did that because it gave me that idea to do with my husband, for our hopefully someday adoption. They ended up narrowing it down to Guatemala. They found the perfect girl for their family and with a long emotional wait to receiving her, but it was all worthwhile for them. I loved how Grant separated each time of adoption, into chapters, explaining the process of each time period. It felt as if I was almost right there along with her, through her adoption process. It brought me close to the author and gave me more of a sense in how adoption works. Grant opened her heart and let the readers feel just a glimpse of what she felt during her waiting period, for her beautiful baby girl. I loved every bit about this book, a very encouraging read.

I received this book from Booksneeze in exchange for my review.

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