DIY Wall Art + Leaf Garland

Above our dining table, I had 2 different size frames of family photo's along with a wall sticker stencil that says FAMILY and I liked that, but I just didn't feel like it matched well when I wanted to put Holiday decor out. I had a vision of a piece of art with a tree. I decided to attempt making my own art again. And made me a "Popsicle stick tree". I sorta got the idea from Christmas Tree Advent Calendar from Crafty Nest But did my own thing by making a normal-leafless tree. :) I started by setting out the Popsicle sticks how I would want the tree to look. This was my 1st try at how I wanted the tree and realized I didn't have a plug in close enough so I had to move me tree and re build it, which was fine because I like the finished tree better :) I then hot glued all the pieces together and painted it all black. After it dried, I a glaze atop it all and let it dry over night.

In the mean time, I made a real, heart shaped, leaf garland. 
Leaves were proudly given to me by these beautiful trees :)

These are the freshly heart cut leaves, drying with a glaze to keep their color long lasting. I got the idea from Letter 4 . I just love how hers turned out. But mine were a lot smaller hearts and not so greatly shaped :) But I went ahead and made it and now there they sit, 
wrapped around my newly made Wall Art :)

I love it. An easy and fun DIY Fall Decoration.

1 comment:

  1. aw I LOVE how you put it on the tree! So cute! and thank you so much for linking back you rock! -jamie @ theletter4


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