Our Halloween was great! Our son was invited by one of his classmates, to go to their Halloween Party so we went there this year. We usually pick a nice neighborhood to go trick or treat in, or just trick or treat at the mall so this year was a nice change. On our way to the party, we ended up getting lost because someone had actually taken down the street sign for where we needed to go!! But after a few minutes and some Google mapping help, we finally found it :)

They supplied snacks and games. The kids got to play pin the tail on the ghost and felt all different odd things to guess what they were.
(similar to my monster in a box game) They felt jello, rubber duck, a snack, eyeballs, ect. The kids then decided to have a mini tackle with each other lol. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, while we adults chatted, sipping on Apple cider.
After a bit, we wrapped up and went trick or treating in their neighborhood
. The kids were so ready to get out and get some candy haha. It was a surprisingly warmer night then usual because it's usually really cold and rainy on Halloween. We went from house to house, kids got a lot of candy-a bucket each lol.
(those kind from McDonald's)...
It was a good night, even lil man kept saying :
"This is the best Halloween ever!"
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