How We Love Our Kids - Book Review"How We Love Our Kids"  written by Milan & Kay Yerkovich teaches us as parents, how we should parent our children, based on personalities. There are 5 love styles to distinguish from, that show us how we parent, based on the way we grew up and how that has shaped us. Those love styles are:
  • The Avoider
  • The Pleaser
  • The Controller
  • The Vacillator 
  • The Victim

In reading How We Love Our Kids, you will be able to identify which of the 5 love styles you have (or maybe find who your are in between several). Discover different things in your past that shaped your parenting today. Get rid of those uncomfortable "buttons" your kids find and push. Create a closer connection with your children. And learn the 7 gifts every child needs.

I enjoyed learning my love style and seeing the difference between each type.  I found an interesting connection to my own childhood and in how I react to things today. The way I was treated as a child, really did shape who I became as an adult, and as a parent, I can see how both me and my husbands characteristics shape who our son is becoming. I loved the point that was made, in Chapter 10, page 137 of The Pleaser Child; "Remember she (or he) does not have your history, your worries, pains, fears, biases, and phobias. Your children will only adopt your inner fears if you train them to." At times, us parents tend to forget this and think children will feel a way about something just like we do, and in reality, they aren't even sure how they feel because they haven't yet experienced it. We as their parent end up putting the emotion on them, by how we feel about it. This is something that was brought to my attention because I realize how, not only in me with my child, but as me a child in growing up, a specific fear has been passed on from member to member, from the beginning. This is something I want to break so I do not pass it on to my children!

There's a lot of great tips in "How we Love Our Kids". A good book to open your eyes and refocus the love you have for your children, and maybe even the love for yourself :)

*If you'd like to read the first chapter of How We Love Our Kids, find it HERE.
How We Love Our Kids is available for purchase 
on Amazon or WaterBrook Multnomah.
 Also more about Milan & Kay on Twitter.

You can also find more information on the authors, Milan & Kay, and their book How We Love Our Kids, as well as other stories they've written and seminars they hold at
They also have a cool Love Style Quiz you can take, to see which love style you are and what you need to work on. I found it very helpful and accurate!
 "A counselor's office is without tissues is like a taco stand without tortillas" ~Milan

*This review is made possible by the Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group via Blogging for Books,  
by providing me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions my own.

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