Welch's Refreshingly Simple Juice in Passion Fruit

Disclaimer: I received the following product(s) in exchange for my review. All opinions my own.

As a member of Bzzagent, I received a bottle of Welch's Refreshingly Simple Juice in the flavor Passion Fruit. Passion Fruit is a blend of white grape, pear, and passion fruit juices made from concentrate and other natural flavors. This juice is made of honest ingredients, and free of the bad things you don't want in your drinks. There are no artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, preservatives, or high fructose corn syrup in this juice, so I can feel better giving Welch's juice to my whole family. 

I'm not a huge fan of this juice by itself, as this flavor in particular kind of reminds me of a cranberry, white apple, water blend and it is sweeter then I like. But a little water added to it is good. And I am bit confused with its ingredients. On the welchs.com website, it says this juice only contains natural fruit sugars but in the list of ingredients on the actual bottle, sugar is listed as one of those ingredients in this drink. That seems like there are actual sugars, not just from fruit, included... I also dislike that the juice says it only "Contains 15% juice". I expected more of Welch's, and would have loved to see it made with 100% juice. Other than my personal feelings on this product, the juice is great for making smoothies, and still better for you then some other drinks out there!

You can find Welch's Refreshingly Simple Juices available in your local grocery stores. Visit welchs.com for more product and information. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

 #Bzzagent #GotItFree #SimplyDelicious
 This post is made possible by Bzzagent, in providing me the products to review. All opinions my own.

1 comment:


    From the Garden of Eden to the present there has been God's truth and Satan's lies.

    GOD'S TRUTH: Genesis 2:17 "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."(NKJV)

    SATAN'S LIE: Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.(NKJV)

    GOD'S TRUTH: Matthew 28:1-7....6 "He is not here He is risen....7.....He is risen from the dead....(NKJV)

    SATAN'S LIE: Matthew 28:11-15.....12 When they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, 13 saying , "Tell them, 'His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.'....(NKJV)

    Today there are men telling God's truth, however, there are others who spreading Satan's lies.

    GOD'S TRUTH: Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.(NKJV)

    SATAN'S LIE: He who does not believe will not be condemned; because there are many ways to be saved other than believing in Jesus.

    SATAN'S LIE: He who believes is saved by faith only and should be immersed in water as a testimony of faith.

    SATAN'S LIE: Water baptism is not essential to the forgiveness of sins; because baptism is a work of man.

    SATAN'S LIE: Good works save us, believing and being baptized do not save us.

    SATAN'S LIE: Men are saved by grace alone, God forces men to have faith so they can be saved by faith only.

    SATAN' LIE: Men need to be immersed in water to join the denomination of their choice, however, they do not need to be baptized in order to go to heaven

    YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY BLOG. http://steve-finnell.blogspot.com


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