High Protein Snacking with Shrewd Food Protein Puffs +

Disclaimer: I received the following product(s) in exchange for my review. All opinions my own.

   Have you ever tried ShrewdFood Protein Products?

   I recently had the opportunity to try a few different ShrewdFood products: the Brick Oven Pizza Protein Puffs, the Parmesan Herb Protein Croutons, and the Cookies and Cream Protein Puffs. Each one of these products equally interesting and packed full of protein.

   When I first tried the Brick Oven Pizza Protein Puffs, they didn't really taste like pizza to me, but the seasoning was pretty good! I liked the cheesy flavor. These pack a whopping 14g of protein per serving.

   The Parmesan Herb Protein Croutons were probably my favorite item I've tried. The flavor was perfectly tangy and salty. They seemed a bit crunchier than the puffs, but would be great on a salad. These croutons contain 10g of protein per serving.

And last, my least favorite, the Cookies and Cream Protein Puffs. I thought these would actually be my favorite of the three, but they have a really awful taste. The protein flavor comes in too strongly, making them not very enjoyable. These puffs also contain 14g of protein per serving.

   Each of these products were fun to try, and work really well for high protein diets, or when you want an after workout snack. Though make sure you drink a lot of water while snacking, so the protein doesn't clog you up! And maybe go slow on snacking, because I found that when you eat too many, it begins to feel like you're eating foam..lol... I wasn't fond of the texture after a few chews in. Overall, I like that these Shrewd Food products make a healthier snack, so they will be enjoyed during snack attacks after my workouts!

You can find more about Shrewd Food and their products by visiting shrewdfood.com

  I received a complimentary product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions my own.

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