Afrin Nasal Spray Review

The colder seasons are approaching which means coughs, sniffles, and sneezes are well on their way if they haven't came already! Adding a stuffy nose to that makes this time of year even worse. Don't let it get you down this time...Stick Up For Yourself! With Afrin.

 Afrin is a no drip, fast and powerful congestion relief, nasal spray made to get the job done! It comes in a pump mist that delivers the measured dose needed and lasts for 12 hours!  Afrin comes in 4 different types: Original, Extra Moisturizing, Sinus, and Severe Congestion. I tried out the Afrin Original, made for colds and allergies, and it couldn't have came at a better time. I've been battling a head cold for the past few weeks now and a stuffy nose has joined up in the fun.

As soon as I received Afrin in the mail, I tried it as quick as I could get the package open lol. I wanted that instant relief! I squirted two squirts in each nostril and within seconds, my nose felt so much better. I wasn't fond of the smell that came with it, but that passed quickly after. After a few minutes of the Afrin sitting in my nose cavity, I began to feel a cooling sensation in my nose, like the menthol in Vapor rub. It gave me a fresh, cool air feeling but kind of an odd burning sensation too. In the Drug Facts section of Afrin, it says not to use the product more then 3 days or burning, stinging or sneezing may occur, as well as an increase in nasal discharge. I had the increase in nasal discharge and slight burning, but this was after day 2 of using it. So I assume it just differs with each person. 

Afrin is made for ages 6 and up and works great to unstuff the stuffiest of noses. Just make sure you use it as recommended and don't go over the usage directed.

This post is made possible by Bzzagent, by providing product + coupons in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.  

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