Disclaimer: I received the following product(s) in exchange for my review. All opinions my own.
If you're anything like me, you love getting free samples! It's one of the best ways to try a new product without having to pay the full cost up front, before knowing if you like it or not. With the Daily Goodie Box, you can get a whole box of free goodies and get free shipping too!! All you have to do is become a member, which is 100% free to join, and then you wait to be chosen, and for your goodie box to arrive. It's so simple, totally free, and you get a box full or amazing fun products to review.
I recently signed up with the Daily Goodie Box and received a nice selection of items. In my box it contained: Just Chill Stress Relief Drink,Vermont Smoke & Cure: Cracked Pepper Beef & Pork Stick, Nature's Bakery Raspberry Fig Bars, Jack N' Jill Natural Toothpaste, Dream Water Sleep Powder, Nellie's All Natural Laundry Soda Pack, Coffee Blocks Butter Coffee, Aloha Daily Good Greens, XyliChew Spearmint Gum, and Gorilly Goods Organic Snack Pack.
I have enjoyed trying each of these products and sharing them with my family!
I think my ultimate favorite product to see in the box was a pack of Nellie's All Natural Laundry Soda, because it has 15 loads in it and I love trying out new soaps for my family. The pack came with a scoop, and you just use a single Tablespoon per load, so this sample will last a few weeks. I wish the detergent lingered a fresh smell on my clean laundry, but it doesn't really have a smell to me. Just clean, which is still awesome! The soap seems to disintegrate well in the water and gets my clothes washed. I really love the included Nellie's Wow Stick Stain Remover, which has a nice lemony smell. Can't wait to see how it works at removing stains!
My next favorite product was the Vermont Smoke & Cure: Cracked Pepper Beef & Pork Stick because this was delicious. My son ate most of it, but I managed to steal a bite real quick and I really enjoyed it! The flavor was fresh and seasoned just right. The texture was perfect for jerky, not too chewy and not too soft. I love the little size these sticks come in, which make them great for afternoon snacks or packing in lunch bags. Both me and my son agree that these sticks are a new favorite!
After an amazing workout, I made me a smoothie using the Aloha Daily Good Greens Chocolate flavored powder. I added frozen apples and peaches, ice, vanilla yogurt, honey, peanut butter, and water...blended well, and it made a really great drink! The powder blended well and didn't leave behind a chalky taste like most do. I could taste a slight amount of the greens, which left a healthy feeling to it, but not bad at all. I could drink this pack daily!
Fig Bars are an excellent snack to have on hand. Their flavor is great and the textures are filling. In trying the Nature's Bakery Raspberry Fig Bars, I was shocked with the sweetness they contained. I have a major sweet tooth myself, but I felt that these bars don't need to be as sweet. Not to say they weren't good though! I think I would enjoy a different flavor, such as apple, better, but they still make a nice little snack. I do wish they were softer such as other brands, but that's not a breaker for me. My husband tried a bar, and had similar thoughts. These bars are good, but i would love to try other flavors!
I have heard such great things about XyliChew Gum so I was really excited to see this in the box. It's gum I can feel safe allowing my son to chew too, so that's a plus! I'm shocked that this gum is actually good for the teeth, which makes it a great substitute to obsessive gum chewers lol. I use to chew Big Red Gum like it was going out of business...I wish I had some XyliChew Spearmint Gum back then! Although this gum loses its flavor terribly fast and leaves a strange taste in the mouth... I think it is still a great thing to keep in your purse or bag. Any time my son wants gum, I feel ok allowing him to chew this, and since the flavor doesn't hang around, he doesn't want to chew it for long which is good in my opinion haha.
I have never heard of the Just Chill Stress Relief Drinks before, but the idea of them is pretty awesome! The flavor I received in my Goodie Box was Ginger and it brings Calm + Focus. I thought this would be a great drink on a hectic day. But I couldn't stand the flavor. The ginger taste is really strong and kind of gives your tongue a bite. If you love ginger, this is definitely the drink for you though. I gave it to my husband, who wasn't fond of the taste either, but he drank the whole thing and it satisfied his soda crave. It's great that these drinks have zero calories and caffeine. I would love to try other flavors!
Cashews are one of my favorite nuts so have a Gorilly Goods Organic Snack Pack with cashews in it made me happy. This pack was in the flavor: COAST which is Sweet Curry Cashew & Fruit. This was a surprising flavor, yet it taste exactly how it sounds. Like Curry that's sweet. I loved the cashew bites but the raisins were just revolting to me lol. The overall seasoning was perfect though. Not too salty and had a nice flavor.
When I saw the Coffee Blocks Butter Coffee...I was probably most excited about this one. Because... coffee!!! And the fact that it said "Butter Coffee" I instantly thought of a deliciously creamy coffee drink that I could sip on in peace. When I opened the package though, my excitement quickly unraveled. The smell of this stuff reminded me of expired beef bouillon. (It even looked that way!) And when I added it to water as said, it made my entire apartment wreak of that smell. Once I could get past the scent, I took a drink. I quickly ran for something else to get that horrible taste out of my mouth. I was really disappointed with this product because I had high hopes for it, and found it just really awful. I'm curious how people can drink that stuff?!?
The Jack N' Jill Natural Toothpaste sample is so cute and perfect for little kids or traveling. I like that it can be used for even the tiniest teeth ages 6months and up. And if it's swallowed, it won't hurt your little ones bellies. The flavor of toothpaste I received is Black Currant. It has the flavor of a nice drink, such as fruit punch. It leaves the teeth feeling nice and clean, and doesn't leave any weird after effects. This is probably one of my new favorite children's toothpastes. I like the natural ingredients it contains, and that I can feel good about my son using it.

The last item in my Goodie Box was the Dream Water Sleep Powder. I was excited about this product, for my husband to try, as he has insomnia and has a hard time sleeping at night. Products never seem to work for him, so giving this one a shot was doubtful. I wish there were two packets, so I could've tried it as well; But I did get a chance to make his drink and sample a small amount. The smell of the powder is a berry scent, with a very medicine like taste. It also did not dissolve well in cold water, but maybe it would have better in room temperature liquid?? I tried a sip of his drink and decided I didn't want to be the one drinking it anyways. The flavor reminded me of children's berry toothpaste, added to a glass of water lol. My husband said the flavor wasn't great either, but better then some things out there. It also didn't seem to effect him at all. The package said to take within 30 minutes of sleeping. He ended up staying awake for 3 hours after drinking, without feeling tired, and he slept horribly too. Sad to say, this drink didn't work for him. I'm curious to hear the stories of those it has worked for!
I have thoroughly enjoyed trying each product out. Receiving the Daily Goodie Box is like getting a present every time. It's filled with things you never even knew about! I can't wait to get another Goodie Box to explore. If you would like to receive free goodies too, sign up for your own Daily Good Box!
I received a complimentary product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions my own.
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